Tag Archives: suspense novel
Cover Reveal FAR OUT a new thriller by Khaled Talib
Here it is… the cover of FAR OUT. I hope you like it. I promise a story to be as thrilling as the design, which purports a sinister element on a dreary night. FAR OUT will be released on 8, January 2024 by Running Wild Press in California.
The idea behind the cover design was inspired by one of the many ideas I proposed to the publisher’s designer. It was based on a scene from the book.
The novel received praise from several notable authors including Josie Brown, author of the Housewife Assassin’s Handbook series, former Hollywood screenwriter Dennis Palumbo and Haris Orkin.
FAR OUT is available for Pre-Order at Amazon & Barnes & Noble.
Synopsis: Screenwriter Blake Deco’s life is upended when his Hollywood movie-star wife, Goldie Saint Helen, comes out of a coma after a car accident with a makeshift identity. Her lawyers see her condition as an opportunity to swindle her.

Spiral: A new mystery thriller set in South Australia

I am really excited to announce that the Kindle version of my new mystery thriller, Spiral, is scheduled to be released on 22, December.
Spiral is my fourth novel and takes a slightly different tone from my previous works.
You are important to me and I wanted you to be the first to know that Pre-Orders are now available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QH312VB
I had visited South Australia on several occasions during my days as the tourism board’s external PR. Kangaroo Island is one of my favorite places. It is an extraordinary place and seven times larger than Singapore. If you get a chance, go and have dinner there at Bella Cafe and Pizza Bar.
The Advanced Readers Copy of Spiral is also available on Booksprout in exchange for a review: https://booksprout.co/arc/54155/spiral
I would love your help in spreading the word. Thank you so much for all your help and support.
I look forward to getting my new book in your hands and appreciate you telling the world!
Happy Holidays,
Cover Reveal for my Australian thriller, Spiral
The book cover of my new Australian thriller, Spiral. To be released by World Castle Publishing. No dates yet. This is a story about a Sydneysider who moves to South Australia to begin a new life. But like his past, new trouble starts to follow him.
The novel was inspired by my past work as an external public relations consultant to the South Australian Tourism Commission to the Singapore office. An account I managed for slightly more than a decade. Part of my role included escorting journalists to various parts of the State on a familiarization trip. So, I thought since I know the place well, why not write a story set here?
Some of the scenes in the novel are real, particularly my encounter with a platoon of penguins on Kangaroo Island around midnight marching outside my hotel room. This island is outrageously beautiful. Would you believe it? The island is like 7 or 8 times larger than Singapore with differing landscapes. You could find yourself in the desert, in the bush land, by the ocean and in the woods with winding rivers.
There are five-star resorts overlooking amazing views, and there are rough-it-out campsites, so the choice is yours. Either way, you’ll be close to nature. I remember during one trip we drove past a Koala who sat by the side of the road. There is always something extraordinary about seeing animals in their natural habitat instead of a zoo.
Spiral takes begins in one of the State’s key wine regions, Clare Valley, before the novel stretches to other parts, including Adelaide, Kangaroo Island with some smaller scenes taking place in Sydney. One of the things I’ve done in this book is to avoid cliches; I am not talking just dialogue but things often associated with Australia. Mind you, it’s there, but not as much. There is a misconception in the form of a stereotype that Australia is Crocodile Dundee. It’s not. The one thing you’ll discover about the city of Adelaide is that it has a European feel to it. I must confess it’s not as exciting as Sydney but some parts can be fun, like Glenelg, the beach-side suburb. I’d visit it again if I had the chance.
By the way, if you are not familiar with South Australia, the capital is Adelaide. Too many people make the mistake of thinking I am referring to Tasmania because of the reference made to the south.
Here’s the teaser trailer of Spiral on YouTube.
Spiral is my fourth work. Meanwhile, I am working on the sequel to Gun Kiss, which is again set in SoCal.
If you want to be kept updated, join me on my Author Facebook page or sign up for my newsletter.
Thriller novel set in Singapore
The new book trailer for Smokescreen, my debut, published in 2013/2014. Thought I give it a fresh coat. Hope you like it. The novel is available at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords. You can start at Amazon or get it at the given links at my store.
“Bourne-like” – Times of Israel
“A Must Read for 2014”- Digital Journal
“Ample Adrenaline” – Millennium Post (India)
“International, Realistic, and Above All Intense ” – Book to the Future
“Extraordinary Thriller” – Expat Living Singapore
[Video Credit: Man in Window: Videvo]
Gun Kiss on Smashwords
Gun Kiss is available on Smashwords for immediate sampling and sale in multiple ebook formats, readable on virtually any ebook reading device.
Here’s the link: Gun Kiss
Do share this plage with anyone who prefers to purchase books via Smashwords.
For the latest Gun Kiss reviews by readers, check out the book’s Goodreads page:
I’m currently working on a sequel because many of you have asked me for it. I can only hope the new story is as thrilling as the first by your standards. I don’t have a choice, do I? But I hope to bring something new to the sequel.
I’ll keep you posted, and if you want to stay in touch, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter.
Best wishes,
Spiral, my new thriller
Just wrote “The End” on the first draft of my South Australian thriller, SPIRAL.
One protagonist Wadjela, two Nungas, two SAPOL (police) boys in blue, a biker gang, Australian intelligence Services (ASIS) and a Russian assassin.
Here’s a song to celebrate.
Once the honeymoon ends, the tough part begins…rewriting, rewriting, and more rewriting.
May the Rainbow Serpent give me strength.
Didgeridoo – Yigi Yigi by David Hudson
GUN KISS Book Trailer
Hope you like it. I made it myself. Took me years to learn the craft. I am a play it by ear person, but I know how to choose the right song for a theme and how to rouse suspense.
It was trial and error but the end result was satisfying. I’m starting small, but what do you think? Should I make a movie? Managing fictional characters is one thing, and managing actors – real people – is another. Richard Gere once said during an interview that a movie director needs to be “ballsy.” I probably have the patience to manage a fleet, but can I handle a mutiny? Easier to kill a character in a book.
Then again, I don’t know if I want to make movies. I like to write; this is what I want to do more than anything else. Besides, making a movie involves a company, writing a novel relies on your own company. Just you and your mind. Okay, the editor gets involved eventually.
But the one thing creative minds have in common is they are building, a way to show my soul I am listening…
Click to watch the trailer. GUN KISS
Happy New Year 2018
I don’t have any new year resolutions. It’s live and let live for me. Or maybe it’s more like Live and Let Die. I learned a long time ago that you can’t plan things. Even if you tried, things have a way of working out differently, though not everything has to be sulky. And if it does, think positive. I mean, look at how nature deceives you with some fruit that looks so ugly you’re even too scared to come near it. But how sweet the taste when you give it a try.
I’ll continue to do things as I normally do but if there’s room for improvement, sure, why not? Provided I can handle it. If not, c’est la vie. Why force yourself, right?
I hope it’ll be a year of fun instead of the gun. The things you read about these days, it makes you wonder if the world will ever improve. But we all have to do our part right? We got to do the good, even if the bad appears overwhelming. Just don’t change whatever the situation. Stay the course. Try to survive the hurricane at sea. Remind yourself every day in 2018.
I think you know what I’m trying to imply. No need to say more. Good health and good fortune to all.
Cover Reveal: GUN KISS
It’s cover reveal day for my new thriller, GUN KISS. The amazing cover was done by my publisher, Imajin Books. Gun Kiss will be available in print and ebook formats on 1 December.
The novel has been a long time coming, but you can pick up your kindle PRE-ORDER at this universal link. It will be automatically delivered to your device on the release day.
A stolen piece of history, an abducted actress and international intrigue…
When the Deringer pistol that shot Abraham Lincoln is stolen and ends up in the hands of a Russian military general, covert agent Blake Deco is tasked by the FBI to head to the Balkans to recover the historical weapon. Meanwhile, the United States media is abuzz with news of the mysterious disappearance of Hollywood movie star, Goldie St. Helen.
After Blake’s return from overseas, he receives a tip from a Mexican friend that a drug lord, obsessed with the beautiful actress, is holding her captive in Tijuana. With the help of a reluctant army friend, Blake mounts a daring rescue. What he doesn’t expect is to have feelings for Goldie—or that a killer is hunting them.