Personally, my life wasn’t upended because of Trump and Kim. But I did receive a call from a relative asking me if he could drop off some stuff at my place for another relative to pick up. It seems he couldn’t get to this other relative who was staying near the hotel where Trump resided. The area had been cordoned.
They’ve blocked some roads starting from the airport from the day the two world leaders arrived, and also created a radius of cordon around the two hotels where Trump and Kim are staying. Apart from heavy police presence, they’ve also got the military out to protect the two big shots, with some stationed on Sentosa Island where the summit is being held.
It’s a good plug for Singapore; lots of world press etc, but it’s going to cost her $20 million as this article proves. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/trump-kim-summit-will-cost-about-20-million-to-host-says-pm-lee
The doctored image shows local sentiments. “Rojak” is a delicacy of deep-fried dough with chili while “Tek Tarik” is tea with milk made by pouring and pulling between two mugs. You can see how the tea is done here on YouTube. The servers in the cartoon are the PM of Singapore and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
And of course everyone seems excited about the court jesters (Trump and Kim impersonators, I mean) who are also here.
The weather has been topsy-turvy these days. I wish it was snowing.

A chat with Goldie St. Helen from Gun Kiss!
Get a glimpse inside the world of Goldie St. Helen, the A-list Hollywood movie star as she talks from her Los Feliz bungalow about career, life, and current issues.
Khaled: Thanks for agreeing to do this interview.
Goldie [smiling]: My pleasure. Nice jacket, by the way. Love Mauve.
Khaled: Thanks, I bought it for this special occasion.
Goldie: I’m flattered.
Khaled: I love the house. Did you decorate the place yourself?
Goldie: Thank you. Yes, I did, with some advice from a designer, though I wish the kitchen was bigger. The only way was to cut into the back garden, which I refused.
Khaled: The kitchen looks perfect.
Goldie [laughing]: Are you kidding me? I need room for a bigger refrigerator. Hey, I host lots of parties!
Khaled: So, tell me, have you always wanted to be a movie star?
Goldie [grinning]: I wanted to be an actress. I never thought of myself as a star. One thing led to another, so here I am today.
Khaled: Were your parents supportive of your career choice?
Goldie [smiling]: My father didn’t speak to me for six months. He wanted me to be an architect, just like him. But it’s my life. Follow your dream, right?
Khaled: So, you would’ve been an architect if you weren’t an actress?
Goldie: Hell, no. I would’ve been a botanist. I love flowers and plants. That explains the solarium at the back.
Khaled: Many have tried to break into Hollywood, but failed. What’s your secret of success?
Goldie: I joined the industry because I was passionate about acting. I wasn’t looking for fame, money, and glamor. The perks that came with being a star were bonus points. I have no expectations. I’m not afraid of competition, even from someone younger. It’s one day at a time for me. C’est la vie.
Khaled: What words of wisdom would you give aspiring actors?
Goldie: All that glitters is not gold. Be prepared to work hard. How badly do you want it? Watch every step you take. Be careful of predators.
Khaled: How do you handle sexual predators in the industry?
Goldie [smiling]: If they grab you by the pussy, kick em in the balls.
Khaled: Easier said than done. You had a tough time doing that in the book, didn’t you?
Goldie: Hey, you wrote the book! I was just doing the acting for you! If it was real life, I would’ve kicked him so hard.
Khaled: Would you do a stage play or indie movie for little or no money?
Goldie: Of course! If the script is great, yes.
Khaled: Do you ever get tired of the fame game?
Goldie: I hate the attention… but I love my fans.
Khaled: What makes you happy?
Goldie [smiling]: Myself, friends, family, and desserts.
Khaled: Is the future beautiful?
Goldie: Que Sera Sera. Maybe I’ll start a family… I still want to work. I love my job.
Khaled: Chocolate or cookie?
A: Chocolate.
Khaled: A handsome face or a good-heart?
A: A good heart.
Khaled: Love or money?
A: Love.
P.S. I’ll be hosting a Facebook party in December with lots of prizes to be won. I hope to see you there. Sign up for my newsletter at the CONTACT PAGE to know when.