I need to get myself one of these shoe lace key cuff. This is so Houdini. It’ll be great if they come in different designs and colors to suit the shoes I wear. Personally, I don’t see myself getting into so much trouble that I need it. But you just never know when the key can come in handy… just never know.
I am not offering suggestions, but if I was a protestor in the street, and I was arrested and cuffed for whatever reason, it would be neat to vanish before the police paper work could be done. I am assuming the key works. Someone has to try it and let us know.
I’ve met people who religiously buy gadgets and gears to protect themselves from various situations, like one guy I know keeps a seat-belt cutter in his vehicle in case the buckle gets jammed. And then there’s this lawyer I met with a knife disguised as a key.
I suppose having a multi-tool Swiss army knife would do the trick if you are ever in a situation. Let’s hope it comes with a super mini fire extinguisher some day.